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The road to hell is not paved with good intentions. It is paved with lack of intention. Gabor Maté on intention
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain. James Baldwin on hate
Booking podcast guests has taught me that there are only two kinds of ultra-successful people: “I’m always free” and “I’m never free.” David Perell on the ultra-successful
People that have found their thing exist in a beautiful state. Usually humble, unrushed, non-competitive, and curious in a non-forced way. What others do is not a trigger because they know only they can do what they are doing in their own unique way. Paul Millerd on self actualization
Make sure your manager, and maybe even your manager's manager, likes you. If your manager doesn't like you, change teams. If your manager's manager doesn't like your manager, you should also change teams. Anonymous on management
Don’t be too good at a job you don’t want. Cinda Canning in Only Murders In the Building on jobs
The central idea…is that we have overprotected children in the real world, where they need a lot of free play and autonomy, while underprotecting them online, where they are not developmentally ready for much of what happens to them. Jon Haidt on parenting
readings-2023.1703912141.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/30 04:55 by lmuszkie